Yesterday was Thanksgiving, a day equivalent to family gatherings, eating turkeys, and ultimately, giving thanks. What does it mean to give thanks? The question asked during this time of year in various forms is, "What are you thankful for?" The person being asked then is made to reflect on what in his/her life holds high value but is frequently taken for granted, such as loved ones, home, or food.
But what does being "thankful" entail? Who are you thanking? For people like Christians, who believe in a divine being who provides, the act of thanking is a form of worship to a higher power. If you're not thanking anyone... Uh... What are you doing exactly? I guess this Holiday's kind of pointless for you, ain't it? =)
There's something that bothers me though. Let's say you are thanking God (Or one/some of your gods) for being able to work (Or just "being thankful" if you don't worship a god...). What happens if the job's taken away? You'll probably move onto being thankful for something else like your health. What if you are no longer a clean bill of health? You'll move onto being thankful for smaller things like being able to walk and see. What if they're gone? I suppose you can be thankful for just being alive. And what if that's gone? Well, you'd be dead... So I suppose you can't be thankful anymore... At least in this life anyway.
It seems the unconscious thought process of thanking is to look at how life could be worse and to find contentment in not living that worse situation. When life wears down so much that one finds it immensely difficult to be thankful, he/she is still encouraged to learn to be thankful. How does one achieve this? Simple. Think about what you have and are able to do that other people may only dream to have and do. In this society, it's almost natural. When life gets hard, one looks at how other people are suffering, and find comfort in knowing there are people who are worse off. Now that's interesting... In a society where one would likely be shunned if he/she finds pleasure in another's pain, it is encouraged to have a thankful heart... Which in essence is the same thing. Oy. So all of you who are thankful... For anything at all... Shame on you for having such a cruel heart. =P
SHIPS: Illustration and Song Video
Whoop, time for an update. This one's a little different because I'm going
to include a video of me drumming (Wow, who knew I don't only sit in front
of th...
14 years ago